Hello, I’m Caroline.
Creating a life-long confusion for EVERYONE because my name is pronounced like “Lynn” instead of “Line.”
As a speaker, author, advocate, writer, artist, podcast guest, friend and matriarch I wear alot of different shoes. Whether it’s my favorite three inch heels or Freebird cowboy boots, I move in certainty that together we can create moments allowing for our wildest dreams to become reality.
The results? Individualied success metrics for people, community, and corporations to that confidence, safety, privacy, and profitability exceed all expectations.

Hey, Can We Please Connect on Email?
Once a week I send out a juicy newsletter filled with stories from my sales career, that whole coming back to life after dying thing I did in 2018, giving back to causes we can all believe in, and the moments men and women move to bring a life of their wildest dreams into reality. It’s the coolest-kid-club where everyone is welcome.

YOU deserve A LIFE based on YOUR DREAMS
What Topics Can I Customize for Your Organization?

Your BIG, BOLD, Unapologetic Life Is HERE!
Want a Jump Start on Eliminating Your Limiting Beliefs? Get your Dream Catcher Course Now.

What Causes Do You Care About and How Can We CREATE CHANGE TOGETHER?
Check Out My 15 Year Mission to Help All People Facing Violence At Home, in the Community, or at Work.

Want to Spend MORE Time TOGETHER?
Hang Out With Me On Substack Because I’m a LOT Wordy and I Don’t Like a Word Count Limit.

My audiences, regardless of where I speak in this world, crave being heard, seen, valued, and supported. Storyteilling accomplishes this by eliminating the silence and shame people carry from experiences they’ve never been able to say out loud. Together, THIS is what we bring to life when gathering to create personal or organizational change:
Sharing personal experiences with look-you-in-the-eyes-athenticity (to myself and all those in attendance) so that we all feel safe enough to craft a life beyond our wildest dreams and goals, and bring them into reality.
“I am not a believer in “feel the fear and do it anyway.”For me and the people I serve, it’s really choosing to be “intentionally fearless” in stepping forward to bring needed change into your personal or professional world.
The Intentionally Fearless Courses are designed to bring immediate and actionable solutions to your life. From eliminating limiting beliefs, connecting to achieve goals, authenticity in your business or professional world, digital marketing, ensuring privacy and safety in an online world, plus a whole lot more.
The time is now to imagine what IF courses will accelerate your dreams into reality.

If being a
podcast guest
creates radical hange, then I say
“Oh heck, YES!”
Whether it’s about creating change in organizations, sales results via authenticity and connections,or eliminating violence in our world I am brining my style to the microphone. Expect deep dives, clear expectations, next-level healing and growth opportunites; plus continue your own conversations with friends, family, and co-workers about every minute you logged with your wireless earbuds or headphones.
Yeah, But What’s Caroline’s Experience?
Yeah, But What's Caroline's Experience? Trauma Informed Certified, Caroline Markel…